A downloadable tool

#Procjam 2018 (Summer)

Generate a Timeline boardgame alike with code, ready to Print & Play. Be patient, generating the pdf it may take a while. It will spawn a new tab with the generated pdf with 27 cards for 2 to 3 players. Cut along the lines. Print the pdf double sided pages.

GENERATE a new set of cards 

How to play Timeline in one minute

The tool is fetching randomized data from IGDB . Free version, only 3000 request per month allowed. Try to remix the project and use your own IGDB api key to generate the cards. 

The game only fetch retro games data from 1980/01/01 to 1999/12/31


  • Preloader
  • Button to generate the pdf
  • Number of players option

Timeline games series: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgamefamily/10782/timeline)

Background created with: https://m.photofunia.com/effects/retro-wave

Source code


Timeline-demo-pdf 21 MB
Timeline_example_2.pdf 25 MB

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